Heart of Touch

Heart of Touch

A Relational Presence Touch Training

Heart of Touch - Level 1

A 4-day training process facilitated by Miriam Kislak and Adam Sippola where participants receive training in the foundations of Inner Presence, Presence Touch, and Relational Presencing.

Why are we offering this training?

When we cultivate presence in our lives, soul gifts are discovered, a deeper sense of purpose and service opens up, and we relax into our inherent belonging in (and as) the wider Earth community.

The practices of Inner Presence, Presence Touch, and Relational Presencing have radically transformed and improved our lives individually and as a couple. We believe they are the most potent practices and ways of being to support the healing and remembered wholeness of the individual and collective.

What are the practices?

Inner Presence: Our capacity to embody loving awareness and to host, witness, and be with our inner experience. This is the fundamental inner orientation we practice for preparing and learning to offer Presence Touch and for becoming sensitive, skilled, and attuned in Relational Presencing.

Presence Touch: A gentle, non-doing, heart-centered form of presence-based touch, and a holistic approach to healing and remembered wholeness. Presence Touch is an evolution of our training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Stillness Touch, informed by the wisdom of our bodies and ancestors as we’ve walked our own paths of healing and wholeness.

Relational Presencing: Practicing the art of conscious communication, presence-based relating, and learning to bring loving awareness to the individual, interpersonal, and collective experiences that appear in the relational field. Relational Presencing is influenced by relational practices like Relatefulness, Circling, Authentic Relating, and Transparent Communication.

What will we explore in this training?

  • Cultivate Inner Presence through midline meditation, interoception practices, and inner union embodiment.

  • Learn the Presence Touch principles and skills of inner repose, abiding in neutral, non-doing, awareness of fulcrums, attunement, resonance, and entrainment, allowing Life Force to realign us with our inherent fluid patterns of well-being and wholeness.

  • Practice these principles and skills through self-touch, partnered touch, and group touch.

  • Apply our learning and practice to energetic contact through the heart coherence field.

  • Explore conscious dialogue, bringing more loving awareness and meta-awareness into connection.

  • Experience how Relational Presencing can enhance the healing Potency of Life in the group Body.

Who is this training for?

  • Adults who are inspired to be active participants in the transformation, healing, and wholeness of their partnerships, family systems, and communities.

  • Seekers of the depths of human relating.

  • Bodyworkers, therapists, midwives, doulas, deathworkers, guides, healers, and caregivers who want to learn new tools of non-doing touch and relational presencing.

This training will involve being seated at a massage table, making a variety of contacts for prolonged periods of time. It will also require laying on the back to receive sessions. This training requires some capacity for self-regulation as a baseline. Personal and collective themes may arise that will invite us into processes of co-regulation. Please consult with us if you’re unsure if the training is appropriate for you.

We believe these practices are so potent and important that if they became a regular part of any society or culture, they would help bring about a more healed, whole, and harmonious world.

Upcoming Heart of Touch Trainings

  • Asheville, North Carolina - April 10-13, 2025

    • Early Bird Price Before January 1st, 2025 - $850

    • Regular Price - $900

    • Lodging and meals not included

An exploration and conversation about Presence Touch between Miriam Kislak and Adam Sippola.

A conversation between Adam Sippola and Miriam Kislak about Heart of Touch: A Biodynamic Relational Workshop.

Meet the Instructors

  • Adam Sippola

    Adam Sippola is a Presence Touch Practitioner, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Professional Relateful Facilitator, Men's Group Leader, Singer, and Crossover Guide, accompanying people through processes of presencing, healing, transformation, and integration on the journey of remembered wholeness.

  • Miriam Kislak

    Miriam Kislak is a Presence Touch Practitioner, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Trauma Therapist, Professional Relateful Facilitator, Women’s Group Leader, and Artist. In her leadership she listens from her heart, bringing her attuned witnessing, embodied aliveness and expression from her depth.