Relational Presencing Private Sessions
In a private Relational Presencing session, we’re with you in the heart of the moment, meeting the truth of your life with curiosity, compassion, and presence.
With gentle guidance, we help you host, witness, digest, and integrate your experiences with loving awareness through relational mindfulness, therapeutic tools, embodiment practices, and processes of healing and integration.
We will be with you in the truth of your emerging experience as we co-create a relational field of presence. We’ll also bring ourselves into connection as fellow explorers with you, allowing the interconnectedness of being to inform our time together.
We may explore relational needs, adaptive patterns and habits, attachment styles, conflict resolution, core wounds, desires, sexuality, shadows, and whatever else emerges. We will be with you as you are, honoring your experience while gently guiding you toward alignment with your embodied truth.
We offer 2:1 and 2:2 Relational Presencing Sessions with individuals and pairs (romantic couples, siblings, parent/child, coworkers, etc.). If you have a small group larger than two, contact us about pricing.
Relational Presencing is an extraordinary and ingenious modality. To have not one, but two people, both of whom are attentive, curious, and validating felt so rare and hopeful. In the two sessions I had, I was dealing with parenting concerns as well as a persistent pain in my shoulder. Through deep listening and truly being with me, Miriam and Adam were able to assist me in connecting these two areas of distress as well as model new ways I might respond. I moved from frustration, exasperation, and control to surrender, care, and curiosity. I was amazed that during the sessions, my shoulder began to visibly release tension. I am so grateful that I was able to interrupt a habitual and frustrating pattern of relating to both my shoulder and children that before the sessions, I could hardly see, much less transform.
The Relational Presencing session flowed well. I liked the variety of practices that supported me to relax, connect with myself, and share experiences with two generous and open human beings.