
In Relatefulness we practice relational mindfulness and conscious communication. Relatefulness has been described as “the art of being with” – being with ourselves, with each other, and with what arises in the relational space between us. We gather and practice bringing awareness to our experience of the present moment, exploring what it’s like to be us in the emerging now.

  • These sessions include Fundamentals, Focus, and Flow. Paired and group practices help participants connect more authentically with themselves and each other, tapping into the essential nature of relating.

    We’ll explore the fundamentals of being with and sharing sensations, emotions, thoughts, and awareness. Practicing attunement, authorship, mirroring, following curiosity, checking assumptions and projections, sharing our truths, and being with impact.

  • In a Focus session, one person (the Focusee) is chosen to be the focus of the group’s attention. They essentially become the breath of our collective meditation of being. During the Focus session, we become curious about what it’s like in the Focusee’s world and experience. This can happen by participants asking questions to get a feel for what their present moment experience is for them as it unfolds. Participants also share with the Focusee and the group what their personal, in-the-moment experience of being with the Focusee is like.

  • Flow sessions are a more advanced practice of Relatefulness. We gather in a group, consciously exploring the interconnectedness of me, you, and us. We practice embodied attunement, sovereign surrender, discernment, focused and diffuse awareness, authorship, listening from stillness, trusting in and moving from the deep impulse of Life. The entire range of humanness and more-than-humanness may be explored. We’ll be with what arises, weaving our unique threads of being, belonging, and becoming together as we discover the emergent intelligence of the group field.

  • 2-hour relateful sessions with couples (or any configuration of romantic partnership - monogomous, polyamorous, or otherwise). The focus is on empowering romantic partners with relateful practices and skills that will enhance and improve your communication, deepen intimacy, bring more freedom, polarity, and creativity to your sex life, and offer new ways of being with conflict as a door to more closeness and love. Relatefulness for conscious relationship.

  • We facilitate a 2-hour Relateful Session in English with your group of 5-25 people on Zoom. This offering includes a 20-minute consultation with us to determine the right Relateful practices for your group.